月: 九月,en 2017

圆桌会议生产率与经济增长,,nl,苏里南案例,,nl,演辞及,,nl,语音 福利部长费迪南德,,nl,语音圆桌会议生产率与经济增长福利部长费迪南德总裁致辞 苏里南格伦H的中央银行,,nl,Gersie,,af,最后陈述生产率与经济增长由行长格伦·杰西八月,,en,演讲主题发言人卡洛斯·伊莱亚斯,,nl,生产力的谈话Celias介绍 先生,,nl,迭戈·莫里斯 竞争,,en,兴趣发展中的表达和交流战略的竞争力单位苏里南,,en, 兴趣&NBSP的表达;发展和交流战略的竞争力单位苏里南,,en: De Suriname Casus

Toespraken en Presentaties: Toespraak Minister Ferdinand Welzijn: Toespraak Round Table Productiviteit en Economische Groei Minister Ferdinand Welzijn Toespraak President van de Centrale Bank van Suriname Glen H. Gersie : final presentation Productivity and Economic Growth by Governor Glenn Gersie August 30 2017 Presentatie Keynote spreker Carlos Elias: Productivity conversation CElias Presentatie Mr. Diego Morris Compete

<跨度bbox_x =“297”bbox_y“1415”bbox_w =“100”bbox_h =“18”的fsize = 12“fweight =”3“红=”81“绿色=”167“蓝色=”123“阿尔法”

Expression of Interest Development and Implementation of a Communications Strategy for the Competitiveness Unit Suriname (CUS) (3)

 Expression of Interest Development and Implementation of a Communications Strategy for the Competitiveness Unit Suriname (CUS)  EOI_Development and Implementation of a Communications Strategy for the Competitiveness Unit Suriname (CUS) (3)

<跨度bbox_x =“297”bbox_y“1415”bbox_w =“100”bbox_h =“18”的fsize = 12“fweight =”3“红=”81“绿色=”167“蓝色=”123“阿尔法”